Tuesday, June 29, 2010

what are you really looking for?

Coz I have everything.
Since I own nothing.

Monday, June 28, 2010

back to YOU

You were here, before I realize
Your love is real, before I know what love is
Every second your love is only made for me
Sealed in every sunshine
As mild as morning coffee, refresh each part of me
Your love like a sun
So genuine that never expect any return
Your love is spacious
So broad that never get less or shrink
Your love as solid as coral
Never turn to somebody else, standing still just for me
You teach me how to take and gve
You show me the beauty of life trough your love stance
Your immense love
Your greatest love, how come I cheat on you?
But another love coming and greeeting
Offering a new color in a different impression
And I got easily trapped within
Humanly love that alluring, yet could be so sore
Teach me another meaning of love words
Mortal, temporary dan deadly
Only your love is timeless
Only yours is truthful
Accept me in my nudity, bluntness, and weakness
Only you who embrace me in weariness and slenderness
And I was the most stupid living who ignored and forgot you
When you never even once leave me
And you smile wider welcoming me back
Last night...
When I cried...
Knocking your door...
My gorgeous prince,
Allahu akbar, 28 June 2010