Wednesday, March 31, 2010

let me look

My new game. I can spent hours in front of monitor doing this. If you wanna be fashion stylish and experience world-famous designer collection, this is the place.

Sunday, March 28, 2010

MIDNIGHT (sale) (earth) HOUR

Sabtu malam, tanggal 27 Maret 2010, kita gelap-gelapan selama satu jam mulai dari jam setengah sembilan sampai setengah sepuluh buat ikutan "Earth Hour". Kita ikhlaskan sebentar melewatkan satu jam bersama Choky Sihotang di Take Me Out. Semalem jalanan ibu kota sepi, kemana orang-orang? Jangan-jangan mereka mempunyai tujuan yang sama dengan kita bertiga - aku, Atiek n Gama - yaitu ikutan hunting di midnight sale Pejaten Village. Sekarang emang lagi musim sale kali ya?
Earth hour? apa itu? yang pasti di Pejaten Village terang benderang dan full music. Orang lalu lalang, ngantri di kamar pas n kasir. Apa ga capek malem-malem gitu rebutan barang. Kita aja capek ngliatin mereka. Kita ga jadi beli apa-apa, malah nonton "How To Train Your Dragon" and it's worth.. I love u Toothless
(ice lemon tea @ kemiri pejaten, alone waiting them do shopping)

Saturday, March 27, 2010

my eyes

My friend said that i have more white part in my eyes. Heh? what did he said? how many color in the eye anyway? But, it bothered me and dragged me to the mirror. I think i understood what he tried to say and i found some facts about my eyes.
first fact : i have big and round eyes
second fact : (likely to be assumption) i rarely look up when talking to people, thus the iris centered at the upper part
third fact : my iris is smaller than average

i just found out that the white part is called sclera.